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Bulletin Boards

Checking Bulletin Boards

Checking Bulletin Boards (Posting notification)

  1. If you have a notification of bulletin board posting, tap 掲示板-新着 in the timeline.

  2. Details of the bulletin board will appear.

Checking Bulletin Boards (App Menu)

  1. If you don’t have any new posting notifications, tap BBS in the app menu.

  2. Tap the title of the bulletin board.

    When you press the "Search" button in the bulletin board list, the bulletin board search dialog is displayed.
    Word : Bulletin boards that contain the entered word in either the subject, text, or attachment name will be displayed in the search results column.
    Tag : Bulletin boards containing the selected tag will be displayed in the search results column.
    * If multiple tags are selected, bulletin boards that include all the selected tags will be filtered.
    * It is also possible to search the bulletin board by combining word search and tag search.

  3. Details of the bulletin board will appear.

Checking Bulletin Boards (Email)

If you have registered your email address, you will receive emails to notify you of the posting of new bulletin boards.
* If the administrator or another user has selected not to notify the posting of a particular bulletin board, you will not be notified of the posting of the bulletin board.

Tap the URL in the message to check schedules.

  1. If you have an email notifying you of bulletin board posting, tap one of the URLs in the message to get connected to the Internet.
    * If you don’t have such an email, log in to the Ocrenger User Site.
    * If your phone is not SSL compatible, tap the URL in the lower part of the message.

  2. Details of the bulletin board will appear.

Checking Bulletin Boards (User Menu)

  1. Tap Schedule/Bulletin Board in the User Menu.

  2. Tap the title of the bulletin board.

    Bulletin Boards Search

    When you press the "search" button in the bulletin board list, the bulletin board search dialog is displayed.
    Word : Bulletin boards that contain the entered word in either the subject, text, or attachment name will be displayed in the search results column.
    Tag : Bulletin boards containing the selected tag will be displayed in the search results column.
    * If multiple tags are selected, bulletin boards that include all the selected tags will be filtered.
    * It is also possible to search the bulletin board by combining word search and tag search.

  3. Details of the bulletin board will appear.

Posting Comment on Bulletin Board

You can post a free comment if the bulletin board has Post Comment at the bottom.
You can also attach up to one JPG, PDF, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, txt and/or Movie(avi, mp4, mov, wmv, mkv ) file (up to 100 MB).
* You cannot post a comment if the bulletin board does not have a Post Comment button.
* The file formats that can be attached and viewed depend upon the type of your phone. It is recommended that you use a computer to attach and view files.
* Video files may not be previewed depending on the browser.
* Please make sure the "About video Preview" link for details.

Posting Comment

  1. Open the relevant bulletin board (Please refer the page Checking Bulletin Board). Tap Post Comment below the message.

  2. The comment entry field will appear. Enter your comment.

  3. If you want to attach files, tap Choose File to select files.

    Tap × to delete a file, if necessary.

  4. Tap Send when you have finished writing a comment.

  5. The posting of your comment is complete when your comment appears on the screen.

Reply to a Comment on the Bulletin Board

  1. Open the menu of the comment you want to reply to.

  2. Click on "Post Reply" in the menu.

  3. A reply input screen will appear. Please enter your message.

  4. If you want to attach a file like posting a comment, click "Attach File" and select the file you wish to attach.

  5. You can notify other users that you have replied. Choose "Yes" to distribute a notification message or email.
    * Note that depending on the administrator's settings, notifications may not be available on some boards.

  6. Once you have finished entering your reply, click "Reply."

  7. When your posted comment is reflected, the comment posting is complete.

Pin a Comment on the Bulletin Board

  1. Open the menu of the comment you want to pin.

  2. Click on "Fixed" in the menu.

  3. The selected comment will be pinned to the top of the comment section.
    If the text is long, you can click ▼ to display the full text.

    *If there are multiple pinned comments, clicking "View other announcements" will display all pinned comments.

Unpin a Comment on the Bulletin Board

* Only administrators and the user who originally pinned the comment can unpin it.
1. Click on the ▼ of the pinned comment you want to unpin.
  2. Click "Cancellation".

  1. The comment will be unpinned from the top of the comments section.

    * You can also unpin by pressing "Unpin" from the menu of the original comment that was pinned.

Deleting comment

You can delete only your own comments.
* The person who has created the bulletin board is authorized to delete any comment.

  1. Please open the menu for the comment you want to delete.

  2. Click "Delete".

  3. Click "OK" to execute deletion.
    * Click "Cancel" to cancel deletion.